Courses All Students Take

BIB101 Introduction to the Bible

Exploration of connections between key portions of the Bible and challenges faced by students in their own lives. Students trace the journey of God's people from Abraham and Sarah through the New Testament church, tracing God's self-disclosure through biblical cultures and their genres of writing.

GES140 Introduction to Wellbeing

Explores many of the dimensions that influence wellbeing: including Spiritual, Cognitive, Emotional, Physical, Relational, and Meaning. Examines the dynamic interconnection between the dimensions. Students integrate foundational knowledge, experiences, and strategies to become successful whole and holy individuals not only in college but also throughout adult life. 

THE201 Christian Theology

Investigates central themes of the Christian faith from a primarily systematic perspective. Topics include: Scripture, God, the person and work of Jesus Christ, salvation, and last things. Emphasis on the unity and diversity of theological beliefs within Christianity, and on the interrelationships among theological understanding, culture, and discipleship.