General Education
First Year Foundations
Undergrad Majors & Programs General Education The Curriculum
First Year Foundations courses facilitate a broad understanding of the richness inherent in humans and their relationships. They orient students to higher education, builds communication skills, enhances creative thought and expression, promotes holistic well-being, and increases understanding of human nature and Western society. The integration of these facets yields whole and healthy persons. Through the First Year Foundations courses, students learn to:
- Reflect on and critically evaluate a wide range of creative arts from a Christian worldview.
- Develop knowledge of Western culture and the Christian tradition.
- Show imagination and originality in formulating hypotheses, ideas, and models.
- Analyze the relationship between body, fitness, and whole-being wellness.
Why study First Year Foundations?
In a fragmented society, it is necessary to seek wholeness in all areas of life. Personal development occurs in large part through interaction with others; understanding of others develops at least in part through examining oneself. Such examination must be holistic, including written and oral communication, creative expression, and physical activity. This means being able to:
- Research and write correctly, convincingly, and ethically.
- Work cooperatively and effectively with others.
- Establish a healthy self-identity.
- Communicate with others clearly, authentically, and ethically.
Courses & Course Categories
- GES125 Introduction to the Creative Arts*
- GES130 Christianity and Western Culture*
- GES140 Introduction to Wellbeing
- GES160 Inquiry Writing Seminar*
*This course is integrated into the Humanities Program for students in that track.